The Process of Becoming a Local Volunteer Board Member

  • Here you will get to know your Local Volunteer Board Chair and Area Director and hear about the work that is being done in the area. They will get to know you, hear about how you could be a great fit, explain more about the roles on the local volunteer board and discuss the commitment level that is needed for the roles you are interested in.

  • If you are interested in becoming a local volunteer board member, you will then fill out some paperwork and read over the job descriptions of the roles you have taken initial interest in. This will be submitted to and the Local Volunteer Board Chair will be notified.

  • Upon the review of your application, you will meet the board members and Area Director. You will be invited to join a local volunteer board meeting to see the team in action. Our hope is that you would use this space to get to know each person and hear their hearts for the area.

  • You will be given resources and training to go through alongside of your Local Volunteer Board chair or Area Director. This may vary in experiences or in reading material.

  • From there, we hope that you would choose to join our Local Volunteer Board and witness firsthand how volunteering can further the work of Parkland Young Life!